Meet Angela

Angela Lydon
Company Travel & Bookings Wizard
NICKNAME: Ange (how original!)
HIDDEN TALENT: Yodeling (you don't want to watch The Sound of Music with me!)
WORDS TO LIVE BY: Everything always works out.
For as long as she can remember, Angela has loved travel. From girl guide camps, to her first flight at the age of 10, to school exchange in New Caledonia, and catching a bus around Australia after finishing high school, she is always on the move. What was supposed to be a season in Whistler in 2001, turned into years of living overseas and travelling throughout Europe, North America, and South America. She took up various forms of work as a nanny, snowboard instructor, cleaner, dance teacher, and bar tender, then fell into travel consulting whilst living in the UK.
Now, over 20 years and 65 countries later, Angela is back in Australia and running her own business booking corporate and leisure travel. The opportunity to work remotely has allowed her to move to various towns and cities over the last few years, and to continue travelling the globe at every opportunity. She will always be a gypsy at heart.
Her fur kids Bonnie and Broderick are what keeps Angela in Australia (along with spectacular weather and beaches!), but she is determined to take them on a long overseas adventure one day – probably by private jet – if only her husband will agree.